Mother and father wrongfully imprisoned 315

Premises Liability is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
A Michigan police department will pay a local family $1.8 million as a result of the mother and father being wrongfully imprisoned for the alleged sexual abuse of their autistic daughter. Julian and Thal Wendrow were prosecuted and jailed after their 14-year-old daughter, who has the speech and functioning of a two-year-old, reportedly typed during a facilitated communication session that her father had been raping her for the last seven years. The girl showed no physical signs of assault in an examination and the method is widely discredited among experts. In addition, the couple’s son, who suffers from Asperger’s, was reportedly lied to and held in a two-hour investigation with no adult representative and can be seen on tape shaking and crying denying claims that he or his father assaulted anyone. San Diego personal injury attorney John Wisely and L.L Brasier, Detroit Free Press 01/12/2011
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$74 million Sexual abuse lawsuit 314

Sexual Harassment is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
A Roman Catholic diocese in Delaware has offered $74 million to settle a sexual abuse case involving 150 claims that date back as far as the 1950’s. A Wilmington attorney representing 98 of the plaintiffs describes the offer as “woefully inadequate” and expects almost twice the amount before settling. The diocese filed for bankruptcy in 2009, and under the recent offer, victims would be required to “agree to drop all legal action against the diocese and parishes.” San Diego personal injury attorney Tom Hals, Reuters 01/11/2011
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Pennsylvania retirees settlement 313

Premises Liability is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
Thousands of retirees and their spouses from an AK Steel Corp. in Pennsylvania will have their medical benefits covered as a result of a $178.6 million settlement. The Ohio-based company was sued in 2006 after announcing it would reduce some benefits and charge premiums for others, which “violated collective bargaining agreements that promised them company-funded medical benefits during retirement.” The settlement includes the establishment of a trust fund to pay benefits in the future and follows a similar suit settled in 2008 that was filed by a different plant location. San Diego personal injury attorney Joe Mandak, Bloomberg 01/12/2011
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Assets hidden by lawyer in wrongful death case 312

Premises Liability is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
A Pennsylvania lawyer has been accused of hiding assets to keep them from being seized in a wrongful death lawsuit. The family of the man that David Manilla has acknowledged shooting while deer hunting claims that Manilla transferred vast real estate holdings into the names of family members immediately following the accident. The lawsuit seeks an injunction voiding the land transfers and asks that the proceeds from an additional property sale to “be placed in a trust during the litigation.” San Diego personal injury attorney Larry King, Philadelphia Inquirer 01/11/2011
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Thermostats recall due to fire hazards 311

Product Liability is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
White-Rodgers has recalled about 180,000 programmable thermostats due to a fire hazard. The home heating and cooling thermostats contain constantly charging AA backup batteries that can leak. There have been three reported incidents of minor property damage but no injuries. San Diego personal injury attorney PR Newswire, PR Newswire 01/13/2011
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Breakfast pastries recall 310

Product Liability is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
Lettieri’s Foods, Inc. of Minnesota has recalled 101,629 pounds of breakfast pastries and biscuits after a failure to identify an ingredient on the label. The “Breakfast Stackers” contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), but no illnesses as a result of consumption have been reported. Products were shipped to California, Florida, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Washington. San Diego personal injury attorney Reuters, Reuters 01/12/2011
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Investment liquidation 309

Premises Liability is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
A U.S. bankruptcy judge has approved a settlement between the trustee liquidating the investment advisory firm of Bernard Madoff and the estate of Jeffrey Picower. Picower died in 2009, five months before being sued for withdrawing billions of dollars more than he invested, all while likely knowing about Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. Picower’s wife, Barbara, has been helpful and cooperative in returning the money to all of Madoff’s victims. San Diego personal injury attorney Bob Van Voris, Bloomberg 01/13/2011
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Medicine cause cancer to patient 308

Medical Malfunction is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
A Houston hospital worker has sued Abbott Laboratories after developinglymphoma. The woman claims the cancer was caused by her rheumatoid arthritis medicine, Humira, and that Abbott failed to warn patients directly about the drug’s ability to cause cancer until it was required in 2009. She took the medication in a clinical trial in 2005 and was told by doctors that it could cause tuberculosis and that other side effects were similar to those from aspirin. Humira is predicted to become one of the world’s most lucrative drugs in the next five years. San Diego personal injury attorney Laurel Brubaker Calkins, Bloomberg 01/12/2011
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Johnson&Johnson lawsuit 307

Premises Liability is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
The state of Oregon has filed a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson for overtly attempting to purchase 88,000 Motrin painkiller packages from store shelves without notifying the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The medicine was contaminated and had inaccurate labeling but was pulled secretly to avoid negative publicity. The suit seeks restitution for all purchases plus unspecified damages for allegedly putting consumers at risk. San Diego personal injury attorney Sophia Pearson, Bloomberg 01/12/2011
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Toyota product liability 306

Premises Liability is another area of San Diego Personal Injury Law.
Dana Holding Corp. will make a one-time payment from their fourth-quarter earnings to a subsidiary of Toyota in the amount of $25 million. The suit relates to warranty claims involving corrosion on truck frames made for certain Toyota Tacomas. Dana divested its products business in March 2010. San Diego personal injury attorney PR Newswire, PR Newswire 01/12/2011 |
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