Texas Tech Coach Accused of Financial Fraud 822

Fraud is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
A lawsuit has been filed against Texas Tech football coach Tommy Tuberville and his investment partner, accusing the two of financial fraud of more than $1.7 million through his hedge fund. San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer The lawsuit, filed by a group of Alabama and Tennessee residents, claims Tuberville used his investment company to mix client assets with his own and falsified fund performance. The plaintiffs say they have requested their money be returned, but have yet to receive reimbursement. Erick Smith, USA Today 02/29/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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Suit Filed over Bus Accident in Abilene 821

Premises liability is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
A lawsuit has been filed against manufacturers and designers of a bus that rolled over in Abilene late last year, injuring some and leaving one dead. San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer The suit, filed by a professor at Abilene Christian University and his wife, claims the companies did not perform the proper testing on the bus, including rollover testing, and that the bus was “dangerously defective.” The lawsuit is seeking unspecified damages. Denise Blaz, San Angelo Standard-Times 02/29/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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Pajamas Fail to Meet Flammability Rules, Recalled 820

Product liability is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a recall of more than 10,000 pairs of children’s pajamas and sleepwear due to failed flammability tests. San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer Imported by Papa Bear Loungeabouts, LLC, the agency said the pajamas “fail to meet federal flammability standards for children’s sleepwear,” posing an increased risk of burn injuries. There have been no injuries reported in association with the recalled products. Staff Report, PR Newswire 02/28/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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Pilots File Lawsuit over Labor Agreement 819

Premises liability is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
A group of American Airlines pilots have filed a lawsuit against their bankrupt employer to prevent the company “from changing terms of employment for its members.” San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer The lawsuit insists American Airlines cannot forcibly impose new labor terms because its contract with pilots expired before Chapter 11 was filed. The plaintiffs are requesting the National Mediation Board be involved in negotiating the terms of the new contract. Staff Report, KVUE-TV 02/29/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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Nuclear Waste Contaminated Creek 818

Premises liability is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
A lawsuit in St. Louis has been filed against Mallinckrodt Inc., a company that specializes in manufacturing and disposing of nuclear waste, over the contamination of a local creek. San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer The lawsuit claims nuclear waste seeped in to Coldwater Creek in north St. Louis County as early as 1940, leading to an increase in cancer rates among the locals. The plaintiffs accuse Mallinckrodt of “reckless and negligent actions” that may have led to their illnesses. Blythe Bernhard, St. Louis Post Dispatch 02/29/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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Shooting by Chicago Officer Prompts Lawsuit 817

Premises liability is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
A Chicago teenager has filed a lawsuit against the city of West Chicago and a police officer over an incident earlier this month. San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer The lawsuit claims the officer, who was not on duty, collided with a vehicle of young adults and then chased them into a local parking lot, firing his gun for no reason. The bullet went through the trunk of the car, striking the one boy, and putting him in the hospital in critical condition. There were no charges filed against any of the plaintiffs. Clifford Ward, Chicago Tribune 02/28/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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Suit over Man’s Death at Inebriation Clinic Settled 816

Wrongful death is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
The Prestera Center in West Virginia has agreed to settle a $1 million lawsuit with the family of a man who died of a cocaine overdose at the center’s Dunbar inebriation shelter. San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer The lawsuit claims that workers failed to regularly check on the man after he was dropped off at the shelter by local police, and he died nine hours later. The center has also been cited by the state for violating various state rules and requirements. Zac Taylor, The Charleston Gazette 02/28/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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30 Million Fuel Cylinders Recalled 815

Product liability is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
The Consumer Product Safety Commission, along with Health Canada, have announced a recall of more than 30 million Map Pro, Propylene and MAPP gas cylinders due to a fire hazard. San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer Manufactured by Worthington Cylinders Wisconsin, LLC, the cylinders can leak after being disconnected from fuel-consuming equipment, creating the risk of fire. There have been no injuries reported in association with the recalled products. Staff Report, PR Newswire 02/23/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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Settlement Considered in Medical Malpractice Suit 814

Medical malpractice is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
Los Angeles County officials are set to approve a $2.3 million medical malpractice settlement in a lawsuit filed against Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center by a former patient. San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer In the suit, the patient said he fell in a bathroom at the center, injuring his head, but was cleared by staff members to leave the center to spend time with his family. While away, the man suffered bleeding in his brain, the suit states. The suit accuses the center’s staff of failing to thoroughly examine the man before discharging him. Staff Report, Contra Costa Times 02/26/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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Suit over Condo Pet Fees Settled 813

Premises liability is another area of San-Diego-Personal-Injury-attorney.com
A condo association in Park City, Utah, has agreed to pay $20,000 to a disabled Gulf War veteran to settle a lawsuit over the man’s service dog. San-Diego-Auto-Accident-lawyer The suit was filed after the association refused to waive pet fees and insurance requirements, which forced the man to move out of his home. As part of the settlement, the association agreed to accept any service animal that comes with written instructions from a doctor. Erin Alberty, The Salt Lake Tribune 02/27/2012 San Diego personal injury attorney
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